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Elements of starch - the good production of corrug

time:2014-05-17 8:15:38 HITS:4

Introduction to I.

Starch is guaranteed to produce very to the elements of good corrugated cardboard, is one of the important factors that should cause our attention. We should treat, in a professional and serious attitude otherwise, machine operatorswill face a lot of headaches, of course, will also produce a lot of waste.

Formulation and elements of starch with II. typical corrugated board

Starch is the role of the corrugated paper and tissue paper and stick together,should at the same time and has good fluidity, moderate cost, the bonding characteristics of good quality. Gelatinization temperature and stable viscosity is an important index of starch. Starch paste formulations according to the type of starchand pulping equipment vary, starch paste formulations are usually professionals work, shall be subject to professional training, and understand the chemical reaction to form starch composition that occur during the mixing process of the staff.

1 water

Objective to starch granules applied in corrugated top by gluing machine. To do this, must be carried out in the liquid case. Swelling of starch granule can notboiling water, there must be enough water for starch granules fully expanded,excess water will be heated and evaporated to complete the adhesive purpose.

2 starch

Starch can be extracted from a wide range of plants, such as: corn, potatoes,wheat, rice, sago, cassava, but the most suitable and most commonly used is thecorn starch. If no special instructions, this paper refers to the starch corn starch.

The content of amylose:

Waxy corn Rice noodles 3%; cassava starch potato powder 17%; 20%; 24% of corn flour; wheat flour 25%; high amylose corn starch can be respectively 50% and 70%;

3 caustic soda and caustic soda (sodium hydroxide)

For reducing the raw starch gelatinization temperature, thus improve the speed andsave energy, and help to improve the wettability starch for paper fiber penetration ability.

The 4 heating and stirring

5 borax or boric acid

6 preservatives

7 Slurring

8 Adhesive mature

Gelatinization temperature 9 paste

10 viscosity

11 Dual viscosity adhesive

12 stability

Three important monitoring index of III. starch paste

We should monitor the index of at least three, they are: viscosity, gelatinization temperature, solid content.


We need to know the consistency of starch paste viscosity is our daily work, in order to ensure the starch slurry good complete the transfer from the cots to corrugated paper forming the top, we must maintain the proper viscosity of starch.Improper viscosity will cause the speed decreases gradually reduce sizing or high speed glue is too large.

Viscosity temperature and time effect, so, if you want to know the change of viscosity, make sure you are measured at the same temperature.

Pasting time:

The starch gelatinization temperature at. Usually 59 ~ 63 degrees celsius.Gelatinization temperature is easy to control by using caustic soda consumption.The lack of control on the gelatinization temperature is very easy to cause thestarch gelatinization glue condensation in the large tray, and cause a lot ofproblems.

Solid content:

The quantitative ratio of starch water evaporation after the solid weight and weight of quantitative starch (potato starch, wheat starch, tapioca starch, corn starch).The solid content of different types of paper and different speed requirements of different ratio. In most cases, the production of cardboard weight higher, solid content requires more; production faster, solid content requires more.

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